Greenport Dune & Bulb region

The Dune & Bulb region, the centre of the global flower bulb market, has a strong and shared ambition to accelerate the energy transition with Greenport participants. Which is why we are building the Sustainable Greenport Dune & Bulb region programme together.

Many companies in the Greenport are already actively implementing sustainability measures. But we need to do more. There are a number of required measures that entrepreneurs cannot take by themselves to make the Greenport fully climate-neutral. To implement these measures, &Flux is building a Sustainable Greenport Dune & Bulb Region programme team. The programme team will drive projects and provide support, where necessary.

In the programme, we are working along 3 different lines. Support, drive and organise. We will work on various projects in the programme. These include organising a coalition for heat demand in Trappenberg-Kloosterschuur, expanding a sustainable logistics platform and helping municipalities embed sustainability in policy.

Like to know more?

Feel free to contact us!

Annebel would be happy to answer your questions.

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