Future-Proofness and Continuity for Heuvelrug Gooi en Vechtstreek.

Heuvelrug Gooi en Vechtstreek is one of the most urgent, area-specific tasks within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area in terms of future-proofness and continuity. This is caused by the effects of climate change, intensification of land use, urbanisation, as well as the fact that functions, planning, and water-soil system have been approached separately until now.
An integral framework for action is required to safeguard future-proofness, which is provided by design research. In a preparatory phase, &Flux sees to it that the design research is set up in a way that the intended impact is actually achieved.
The ‘Resilience by Design’ project and the urbanisation strategy of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area are among the reasons for the design research. In the urbanisation strategy, it says that the State and the Region need to conduct research into future-proofness in the Gooi en Vechtstreek on the basis of an integral approach of the water system in relation to functions and planning. How can we ensure that this major, complex task is translated into a specific framework for action?
&Flux collaborates with the Gooi en Vechtstreek region, Waternet, and the Metropolitan Landscape programme of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area so that the required design research will actually result in action. To make this happen, we conduct a sharp problem analysis, we get stakeholders involved, position the research well, and organise a broad coalition of commissioning parties.
This results in ownership among as many parties as possible that will have to proceed with the findings once the design research has been completed. What do they consider relevant? Integrality: future-proofness can be achieved if the interaction between functions, planning and soil-water system is in balance.
The result: future-proofness can be achieved if specific frameworks for action are offered that are safeguarded in a regional agenda and implementation programme, for instance. Together: future-proofness is a cross-boundary phenomenon and is achieved by cooperation. This explains why we get the stakeholders involved in the earliest possible phase and build a coalition together.