Hydrogen Valley Estonia

Public and private partners unite to develop first nationwide Hydrogen Valley in Estonia.
In times of widespread energy crisis, the urgency for energy independence and need to green the energy system is felt across Estonia. A coalition public and private partners are united to develop the Hydrogen Valley Estonia, a full nationwide hydrogen value chain that will accelerate the energy transition and independency of the whole country under the motto ‘from zero to green.’
&flux previously wrote the hydrogen strategy of Port of Tallinn and the Estonian Aviation Cluster. By becoming familiar with the public and private playing field, we saw an opportunity to develop a hydrogen valley for the purpose of creating a hydrogen economy in Estonia.
In short this means:
- Green hydrogen production will be developed in at least six regions in the country,
- Transport and storage infrastructure is developed, including import and export terminal infrastructure, fuelling stations and storage facilities,
- Hydrogen produced in Estonia will be used for hydrogen fuelling public transport, heavy duty vehicles, rail, shipping, aviation, and other transport modalities. Furthermore, it will be used as feedstock for industry, net balancing and even heating cases in the built environment,
- A range of innovation-, research- and development projects are included.
The Estonian Hydrogen Valley development process is led by a consortium of the Estonian Hydrogen Association, &flux and New Energy Coalition. The strategy and governance of the Hydrogen Valley Estonia will be delivered in September 2022, that includes the submission of the European subsidy application to become part of a Large-Scale Hydrogen Valley along the North Sea and Baltic corridor.
Hydrogen Valley Estonia aims to be the central node in the systematic development of the hydrogen economy in Estonia. Without that, Estonia has no perspective on becoming green and energy independent. The coming six years we will focus on kickstarting, and accelerating projects based on onshore hydrogen production, to be ready as an economy for the large-scale uptake of hydrogen based on offshore solutions from 2030 onwards.
More information can be read in the Joint Mission Statement and https://vesinikuorg.ee/.

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