In the coming years, we will help around 30 municipalities with the deployment of supra-municipal heat sources

As part of the MRA Heat and Cooling programme, we are coordinating the process for drawing up the Regional Structural Vision for Heat (RSW) in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. The RSW is part of the national regional energy strategy (RES) programme and focuses on the use of supra-municipal heat sources. 

We are helping almost 30 municipalities with the imaging for these supra-municipal heat sources. The central question is how the municipalities will work together to best utilise these sustainable sources, such as geothermal energy and residual heat.

In this first version of the RSW, we are working to achieve a work agenda for the next 2 years: which heat sources can be used supra-municipally? Which topics – such as sustainability, affordability and availability – should be discussed? And which parties should this involve?  

This work agenda will be implemented in the coming years. The ultimate goal is to accelerate the realisation of large-scale and sustainable heat grids in the region.  

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