There are a number of large-scale and exciting projects in the pipeline for &Flux.

With great passion, Petrus tells us about these projects and the impact they will make. ‘Making the world a bit more beautiful, that’s what we’re aiming for at &Flux!’
Several of the projects we are supervising have a non-disclosure agreement. So we can’t tell you anything about them. But that in itself is obviously a very good sign!

Several large industrial companies are investing in fundamentally different value chains, which is of course very exciting. A movement is developing in which major players are recognising that the energy and raw material transition is a new, growing economy that already has competing parties. The secrecy we are operating under is proof of that.

But this is how Peter sees it: ‘It’s not just about finances. I really see an inner drive in higher management to do more and better things for the world. The new economy is no longer a point of debate for them. And that’s just so cool!’

We are going to make a real difference by building new energy and raw-material routes, also on an international scale!

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